Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Hispanics Not Wanted in City Boards and Commissions, Part II

Hispanics Not Wanted in City Boards and Commissions, Part II
White Flight, Asian rise, Far East and Far West Explosion
In June we posted Hispanics Not Wanted on City of El Paso's Boards and Commissions. As you may recall, I named the percentages of Latinos in comparison with non-Latinos on each city representatives appointment record. I mostly based it on the overall population of El Paso. For example, of Representative Ann Morgan-Lily, I said:

There are now 24 appointments listed under District 1 which Lily represents. Only 4 out of these 24 are Hispanic, and 20 out of the 24 are non-Hispanics. So 83% of District 1's appointments were non-Hispanics. Not to patronize you, but his means if Lily appointed 100 people, 83 of them would have been Non-Hispanic.

If you also recall, I said I would get the demographics of each representative’s district and I have received them, and boy are they juicy.

El Paso as a Whole (Hole)

Currently El Paso has the following:

Hispanic/Latino      80.7% (4.1% jump from 2000)
White                      18.2% (4.1% drop from 2000)
Asian                      1.1% (.1% jump from 2000)
African American  2.8% (remained constant)

District 1

District 1 grew in population by 19,350, a big jump. However, with Morgan Lily appointments of non-Hispanics as of May 2011 at 83%, this is disturbing. District 1 lost a higher percentage of Whites than any other district in El Paso.

Her district saw the following demographic changes:

Hispanic/Latino 67.9% (11.4% jump from 2000)
White 26.8% (11.7% drop from 2000)
African American 1.7% (.2% rise since 2000)
Asian 2.4% (.1% rise from 2000)
Native American .2% (remained constant since 2000)
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 0,1% (.1% rise from 2000)

Looking at these percentages, we can see that Lily's district is getting browner and lost more then 10% of its Whites. 83% of Lily's board and commission appointments were non-Latino. Yet, Latinos make up almost 70% of her district.

District 2

District 2 did not grow too much with an increase of 4,036 residents. Suzie Byrd's district had the only drop in Hispanics from 81.6% in 2000 to 79.6% in 2010. Here are the numbers:

Hispanic/Latino 79.6% (2% drop from 2000)
White 13.9% (.08% rise from 2000)
African American 3.9% (.2% drop from 2000)
Asian 0.7% (.1% rise from 2000)
Native American 0.3% (0.2% rise since 2000)
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 0,1% (.1% rise from 2000)

Byrd's district has the second largest population of African Americans, second to District 4, Carl Robinson's district. District 2 is also one of the few districts that the White population actually grew, not much, but interesting because there is White flight in all districts. The number of Asians, Native Americans, and Pacific Islanders grew a small percentage. Though small, District 2 along with District 4 have the largest Pacific Islander population in the city.

As stated in our last post on Hispanics on boards and commissions, as of May 2011 “Byrd's appointments consist of almost equal numbers with 12 Hispanics and 13 non-Hispanics. Of the 25 appointments she made 52% are non-Hispanic.” The problem lies here is that almost 80% of her district is Hispanic. See Map of District 2.

District 3

With exception of one ethnic group, District 3 saw a general population decline in all ethnic groups except for Hispanics. Overall, District 3 lost 4,574 residents. Here are the stats:

Hispanic/Latino 88.6% (2.6% rise from 2000)
White 8.3% (2.4% decline from 2000)
African American 2.0% (.1% drop from 2000)
Asian 0.5% (constant since 2000)
Native American 0.2% (0.1% decline since 2000)
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 0.1% (.1% rise from 2000)

District 3 hold the historic African American neighborhoods, but shows that African Americans continue to move out, however the actual drop is miniscule. As in many other neighborhoods, Whites have left this district whereas Pacific Islanders have increased a small percentage.

Acosta has one of the highest rates of appointing Hispanics to city boards and commissions. In our earlier post we said, “So 39% of her appointments were non-Hispanic, which is also close to the 37% make up of El Paso's Non-Hispanics.” Acosta's district is 88.6% Hispanic and non-Hispanics make up less than 12% of her district.

District 4

District 4 increased in populaton by 11,671. District 4, like other districts, had an increase in Hispanics. Like other districts, with the exception of District 2 (Byrd), the White population declined. In fact, District 4 is second to District 1 in White flight. Here are the stats:

Hispanic/Latino 64.6% (8.5% rise from 2000)
White 23.2% (6.9% decline from 2000)
African American 7.8% (1.2% drop from 2000)
Asian 1.9% (0.4% rise since 2000)
Native American 0.4% (constant since 2000)
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 0.3% (.1% rise from 2000)

Here we have a large rise in the number of Hispanics in District 4. Northeast El Paso has some conservatism as they elect Representative Margo and Commissioner Haggerty, and in political circle, I've heard that there are some parts of the Northeast that you do not send Spanish-language political ads. Within the last 10 years, District 4 saw an almost 10% increase in Hispanics while every other ethnic group with the exception of Pacific Islanders, declined. District 4 still has the largest percentage of Asians in El Paso with close to 2% of its population Asian.

In our analysis of Robinson's appointments to city boards and commission, Robinson has 22 current appointments as of June 2011 and only 5 are Hispanic and 17 are non-Hispanic. So 77% of Robinson's appointments are non-Hispanics when 33.6% of his district is non-Hispanic and 64.6% of his district is Hispanic. Somethings got to change.

District 5

District 5 had the largest population increase in El Paso with an increase of 41,504, which is more than double of the Westside's District 1. Currently, Dr. Miahcel Noe represents District 5. When we did our earlier analysis in May, which went off of April/May numbers, Rachel Quintana was still representing District 5.

Hispanic/Latino 84.5% (5.2% rise from 2000)
White 11% (6.1% decline from 2000)
African American 2.8% (0.1% rise since 2000)
Asian 0.8% (constant since 2000)
Native American 0.1% (0.1% drop since 2000)
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 0.1% (constant since 2000)

Here, we see a near 5% rise in Hispanics and a near 6% decline in Whites. There was also a miniscule drop in the Native American population.

In our last analysis of District 5, it showed that 46% of Rachel Quintana's appointments were non-Hispanic. “Of her appointments, 15 are Hispanic and 13 which were non-Hispanic. District 5 covers the area around Album Park (aka Eastwood) to Zaragosa, north of Montwood. See Map of District 5. So District 5 has 46% of board and commission appointments being non-Hispanic, but only 15.5% of District 5 is non-Hispanic.

District 6

There were no big ethnic population shifts in District 6, which Eddie Holguin represents. However, District 6 grew in population by 18,115 almost as much growth as the Westside's District 1. Here are the stats:

Hispanic/Latino 91.1% (1.6% rise from 2000)
White 6% (1.7% decline from 2000)
African American 1.3% (0.1% rise since 2000)
Asian 0.7% (0.1% rise since 2000)
Native American 0.4% (0.2% drop since 2000)
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 0.1% (0.1% increase since 2000)

This district had the highest percentage of Hispanics in 2000 and still has the highest percentage at near 91%. Whites experienced an almost 2 percentage point decline. The changes in African American, Asian, and Native American were miniscule but all three declined. Pacific Islanders had a miniscule rise in population.

In our last analysis of District 6, we said, “Holguin had the most appointments of Hispanics. He has 17 current appointments. Nine (9) are Hispanic and eight (8) are non-Hispanic. With 17 current appointments, 27.5% are non-Hispanic. Holguin represents the district east of Quintana's and Ortega's north of I-10 covering George Deiter to the city limits, and south of I-10 east of George Deiter and east of Whittier. See Map of District 6. “

16.6% of District 6 is non-Hispanic and 27.5% of his appointment are non-Hispanic.

District 7

District 7 saw a loss of 2,291 people since 2011. District 7 has the highest percentage of Hispanics after District 6. Here are the stats:

Hispanic/Latino 89% (3.5% rise from 2000)
White 8.8% (3.3% decline from 2000)
African American 1.2% (0.1% drop from 2000)
Asian 0.4% (constant since 2000)
Native American 0.2% (0.1% drop since 2000)
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 0.0% (no change since 2000)
Two or more races 0.4%

In our earlier analysis of the appointment record of District 7 representative Steve Ortega (June 2011), we said the following: “Ortega has 25 current appointments, 10 of which are Hispanic and 15 which are non-Hispanics. Looking at the make up of current appointments, he has appointed more non-Hispanics than Hispanics, a good 60% non-Hispanic. Ortega's district starts west of Yarbrough south of I-10 and runs to the border with Holguin's district. North of I-10, it runs from a little east of Viscount to George Dieter and Dale Douglas mostly staying south of Montwood. See Map of District 7.

As you can see, though only 10.7% of District 7 is non-Hispanic, one would expect a somewhat similar record of appointment. However, 60% of Ortega's appointments are non-Hispanic when Hispanics make up close to 90% of his district.

District 8

District 8 declined in population by 2,352 people since 2000. Here are the stats for District 8:

Hispanic/Latino 83.3% (2.7% rise from 2000)
White 13.7% (3% decline from 2000)
African American 1.1% (constant since 2000)
Asian 1.1% (0.3% rise since 2000)
Native American 0.2% (constant since 2000)
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 0.0% (no change since 2000)
Some other race 0.1%
Two or more races 0.4%

District 8 is a funny district in the way that it was redrawn after the 2000 U.S. Census. It puts the poorest parts of the city with the most affluent part of the city. Hispanics have increased within it while Whites have decreased a full 3 percentage point. Also, this district, though only a small percentage, saw the largest rise in Asian population of the 8 districts.

In May Courtney Niland entered office replacing Roberto O'Rourke who is now running against Silvestre Reyes for El Paso's United States Representative spot.

As stated in our last analysis: “O'Rourke has 29 current appointments, 9 of which are Hispanic and 20 who are non-Hispanic. So 68% of Robert O’Rourke appointments were non-Hispanic. See Map of District 8.

16.6% of District 8 is non-Hispanic, so one would expect that O'Rourke would have appointed at least 80% Hispanics to his boards. Instead, O'Rourke's record of appointment of Hispanics to boards and commission was dismal. At the time of our last analysis in May 2011, he had appointed non-Hispanics to close to 70% of his board and commission appointments although they only made up 16.6% of the district and Hispanics made up more than 83%.

African Americans

The African American population in El Paso rose in District 1, District 5, and District 6. District 1 had the biggest percentage rise in African Americans in the last 10 years, but it is small.

Native Americans

District 2 saw the only percentage rise in Native Americans in El Paso. All other district saw a decline or stayed constant.


Asians population increased in district 4 and District 8, with District 4 being the largest. In all other district Asians either declined or remained constant.

Pacific Islanders

District 4 saw the largest percentage increase of Pacific Islander, although District 6 and 3 also saw a small rise. There were also .1% rises in District 1 and 2.

Mixed Race

There was a rise in people reporting themselves as mixed race in District 2. All other district remained constant or saw a decline.


Whites make up 14.2% of the city, a decline of 4.1 percentage points. The district with the largest percentage of Whites are as follows, ranked from biggest to smallest:

District 1 (26.8)
District 4 (23.2)
District 2 (13.9)
District 8 (13.7%)
District 5 (11%)
District 3 (8.3)
District 7 (8.8%)
District 6 (6%)

When looking at board and commission appointments as compared to the make up of the individual districts, with exception of Rep. Holguin and Acosta, the appointment record of Hispanics is dismal. In our earlier analysis we compared them with the demographics of the city. In this analysis we compare the appointment records with the demographics of the individual districts.

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